Doco and discourse APRIL

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Melbourne Zeitgeisters!

This is the next instalment in our monthly documentary series. Even if you’ve seen the doco being screened, the doco night is a great chance to see how the issues and material presented relates to the movement, have a general chat and get involved. Our last one created some wonderful and spirited discussion, lets see if we can create some more 🙂

Heyo Z peeps!

Thinking OUTFOXED might be a good one this time around, especially given the media and politics of late. IF you have another suggestion please post it here 🙂

I will see you all tomorrow night 🙂

About Casey

Casey is the national coordinator for TZM Australia and has a passion for educating on a variety of topics, organising and participating in a range of TZM projects and events and connecting with other like-minded individuals.