Monthly doco, wine and discussion

Melbourne Zeitgeisters!

This is the 6th instalment in the regular monthly documentary event. Even if you’ve seen the doco being screened, the doco night is a great chance to see how the issues and material presented relates to the movement.

This documentary will be ‘The 4 Horsemen’

The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society.

Trailer here..

About Casey

Casey is the national coordinator for TZM Australia and has a passion for educating on a variety of topics, organising and participating in a range of TZM projects and events and connecting with other like-minded individuals.

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