

Movies That Matter: Green Planet

This month in Movies That Matter we’re showing the film “Green Planet” (aka “La belle verte“). The 1996 film was written, directed and starred by Coline Serreau, a tireless social activist and permaculturalist. Among other works, she’s known for her work “3 Men and a Craddle”, later remade in Hollywood as “3 Men and a Baby”.

This film is a brilliant situational-observational French comedy, with English subtitles. The “Green Planet” is unlike our own. Their people enjoy a simple lifestyle: they spend their knowledge, strength and energy on the development of their minds and bodies in harmony with their natural environment, which they dearly preserve and care for. Once a year, they gather to decide which planets they will send messengers to. There are volunteers for every planet except Earth, which is considered too polluted and dangerous. Mila, decides to go there to seek out her identity.

Movies That Matter is a film night hosted by The Zeitgeist Movement Sydney Chapter (TZM Sydney), in which we play one to three interesting and relevant short videos (such as animations or TED talks) followed by a short discussion, and a thought-provoking main film. The purpose is to bring us together, to promote constructive discussion, to challenge our own preconceptions and biases, and to revisit key elements of TZM’s holistic socioeconomic model (NLRBE, i.e. Natural Law/Resource Based Economy), and its philosophy and proposal.

Movies That Matter happens every first Sunday of the month from 6PM to 9PM at Lentil As Anything in Newtown, upstairs. We invite you at 6PM for a social dinner while we share a chat and one or two relevant clips, followed by the feature film, which will begin at 6:55PM sharp, and finish at 9PM. We may continue the conversation after the film at the pub next to the station.

Lentil As Anything provides delicious vegan food in a convenient space in the heart of Newtown. Food and film is on donation to Lentil ($15 recommended). Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Pre-Z-Day Social

Join us for the Pre-Z-Day social night leading up to Z-Day on Saturday and Sunday. This is a chance to connect with other Zeitgeisters, cooordinators, presenters and performers before the event. Feel free to BYO drinks. Entry is free. Park on the grass on the corner of Stanley and Wellington if driving.


MMTM June 2017 – The Stories we tell about Money

Money is a figment of our collective imagination we all agree on. But how will the digital information age change money in the future?

This month we’re discussing modern innovations in the field of finance. The rise of cryptocurrencies is a sign the long standing central bank controlled fiat currencies are failing. With gross wealth inequality, collapsing economies and widespread environmental damage, What happens next for money? Is it even necessary?

What we will be doing:

I (Zac) with be giving a short presentation about cryptocurrencies.

Open discussion and Q&A

Watching a short clip of Vitalik Buterin inventor of Ethereum.

A short lesson in cryptography by Khan Academy

Finally we will be watching an Andreas Antonopoulos feature length presentation about Blockchain.

If you are curious about one of human societies oldest technologies – money, feel free to come along to learn more and join in the discussion.

All welcome – bring friends 🙂

P.S Bring your laptop so I can give everyone in the audience some cryptocurrency 🙂

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Zeitgeist Movement Coordinator


Intro/Discussion night

Welcome to our regular introduction and discussion night. Come join us in Richmond to talk all things Zeitgeist! We aim to create a friendly, casual environment to give people an introduction on the movement, and give everyone a chance to bring up things they would like to discuss regarding social activism. We are usually situated in the large comfy booth that looks out onto the street. Food is not available at the venue but you can bring your own or order in. See you all there!



Future Thinkers Sessions for the Zeitgeist Movement Australia


An open platform to meet and chat with other ‘self-proclaimed’ controversial deep thinkers, scientists and philosophers… basically anyone who likes to think about anything. This is a realistic, fun and empowering meet-up about applying science to social concern. Don’t worry, we don’t put you on the spot… there’s no expectation to explain your position, and no expectation of any qualification. It’s not in our ‘cynical yet idealistic, atheist, technocratic anarchistic activist’ nature. 😉 😛

We provide…

• Free vegan brain-food (otherwise known as snacks!)

• Short presentations on human behaviour, society, new crazy technologies  and cool ideas for hacking life!!

• Study groups and panel discussions on philosophical questions like “How do we engage people resistant to logic and reason?” or “Does wealth provide happiness?”

• Awesome socially-aware music, podcasts and radio shows

• Insightful and hilarious pointed videos for social concern

Please feel free to sit at the back and hide in the corner, or announce your opinion of some particular policy, or share your understanding of a scientific discovery or discuss your general thoughts on a particular topic. 😀 😉 We’d love that. We look forward to meeting you!