

Movies That Matter: Her

This month in Movies That Matter we’re showing the film “Her”. This 2013 film delves into the unavoidable existential conflict that will result between natural and artificial intelligence once the latter is indistinguishable from the former.

Movies That Matter is a film night hosted by The Zeitgeist Movement Sydney Chapter (TZM Sydney), in which we play one to three interesting and relevant short videos (such as animations or TED talks) followed by a short discussion, and a thought-provoking main film. The purpose is to bring us together, to promote constructive discussion, to challenge our own preconceptions and biases, and to revisit key elements of TZM’s holistic socioeconomic model (NLRBE, i.e. Natural Law/Resource Based Economy), and its philosophy and proposal.

Remember that Movies That Matter has moved to a new place and time: Lentil As Anything in Newtown, upstairs, every first Sunday of the month at 6PM. We invite you at 6PM for a social dinner while we share a chat and one or two relevant clips, followed by the feature film, which will begin at 6:55PM sharp, and finish at 9PM. We may continue the conversation after the film at the pub next to the station.

Lentil As Anything provides delicious vegan food in a convenient space in the heart of Newtown. Food and film is on donation to Lentil ($15 recommended). Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Monthly Movies that Matter – Zeitgeist Addendum (parts I & II)

“Of all the social institutions we are born into, directed by and conditioned upon, there seems to be no system as taken for granted and misunderstood…as the monetary system. Taking on nearly religious proportions, the established monetary institution exists as one of the most unquestioned forms of faith there is. How money is created, the policies by which it is governed and how it truly affects society are unregistered interests of the great majority of the population.”
This is a quote from Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist: Addendum.

We will be watching the first two parts of Zeitgeist Addendum then I will be giving a 20 min presentation on the history of the establish monetary system and how it works today.

Remember to buy your Zday tickets. Get your tickets for Global Zday, March 25th and March 26th here.


Introduction and discussion night

Come join us in Richmond and contribute to a night of inspiring discussions. We will be continuing the theme of last time by talking TRANSITIONS. The Zeitgeist Movement is a sustainability advocacy group, and as such, advocates a move away from the current market based economy, to a more sustainable model of access to goods and services. Come and hear our existing plans to get this transition under way and please bring your own thoughts and considerations to the table.


~FUTURE THINKERS SESSIONS~ A platform for the people!

Future Thinkers Sessions for the Zeitgeist Movement Australia


An open platform to meet and chat with other ‘self-proclaimed’ controversial deep thinkers, scientists and philosophers… basically anyone who likes to think about anything. This is a realistic, fun and empowering meet-up about applying science to social concern. Don’t worry, we don’t put you on the spot… there’s no expectation to explain your position, and no expectation of any qualification.

This month will revolve around the ideals and creation of a new social media platform, where you can go to make your voice heard, unite with others and to find, share and save rated information around topics that are of interest and important to you. The purpose of which is to allow people to be greatly empowered to be forces of positive change in the world and give a voice to the voiceless.

Our guest speaker, Paul Lynch will be discussing such a platform that he is currently working on. Six years ago, he was diagnosed with eye cancer, which was the impetus behind him starting to become aware of realities and challenges facing the world. He returned to his home town of Brisbane last year after 18 years in the UK where he worked across of a variety of roles, including a technology start-up in London. Through his activism in the UK, he became aware of many challenges that people and groups of people face when against powerful and vested interests. His project of creating a new social media platform was inspired by the question of how to overcome and prevail against these interests. He believes there is strength in numbers and this platform hopes to give people an easy and effective way to express their collective wisdom and strength.

Future Thinkers Sessions also provides…

• Short video clips for discussion on human behaviour, society, new crazy technologies and cool ideas for hacking life!!

• Study groups and panel discussions on philosophical questions like “How do we engage people resistant to logic and reason?” or “Does wealth provide happiness?”

• Awesome socially-aware music, podcasts and radio shows

• Insightful and hilarious pointed videos for social concern

Please feel free to sit at the back and hide in the corner, or announce your opinion of some particular policy, or share your understanding of a scientific discovery or discuss your general thoughts on a particular topic. 😀 😉 We’d love that. We look forward to meeting you!


TZM Sydney Activism meetup

Hi Geisters!

We’re meeting up this Saturday 18 February. It will be our first general meeting of the year. We’re meeting to plan our activism and upcoming events, including the following:

• Going to Z-Day in Brisbane (next month!) as a group, sharing an AirBNB house.

• The next SWARM party! The last one was a great success and everyone wanted a repeat soon!

• The next few films to show at Movies That Matter. The event is now planned for the first Sunday of the month, in the evening, at Lentil As Anything in Newtown. Last week we showed “The Man From Earth” and many came and really enjoyed the film and clips.

• The possibility to begin doing some street activism, or organise talks.

Just as a reminder, the global Z-Day this year will be held in Brisbane. It will be the first ever Z-Day spanning a whole week-end, and Peter Joseph confirmed his attendance. There will be local and international speakers and attendees, such as Federico Pistono (author of Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That’s OK: How to Survive the Economic Collapse and Be Happy) and Abby Martin (journalist and host at RT). Peter Joseph, the founder of The Zeitgeist Movement, will present his book The New Human Rights Movement  and his upcoming film Interreflections. The double-day event will be catered with vegan food, a bar, live music, workshops, and talks, and will be held at the New Globe Theatre in Brisbane, Australia on March 25th-26th, for tickets and more information visit

This week, the meetup will be a little earlier than usual, at 11Am, and will go as usual for two hours, until 1pm, at the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts.

Please promote this meetup among your friends and anyone you think might be interested! Looking forward to seeing you all there!