

Zeitgeist Social Night

Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, freethinkers, futurists, scientists and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink. But we can’t stay up too late 😉
On Sunday afternoon (April 29th) at 3:30pm in Brisbane Square Library there will be a Freethinkers event on Non Violent Communication (by Marshall Rosenberg).

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided at the social night but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

The social nights won’t be on Thursdays anymore. This way people who work full time during the week don’t miss out 🙂

See you Saturday Night!!!

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Zeitgeist Social Night

Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, free thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. 😉

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


MMTM – The Untold Truth by Dr Babasahheb Ambedkar

Hey Everyone!
Soko and Manjunath are running this month’s Monthly Movies that Matter as a collaborative project.

We will be watching a 2000 Indian film that focuses on Dr Babasahheb Ambedkar who contributed to the constitution of India.

It is a long film so we will break it up with a couple of intermissions for discussion, particularly on the themes of inequality.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Future Thinkers – The Scientific Method and Cognitive Biases

Hey everyone!

This month we are getting back to our roots. The basic principle that The Zeitgeist Movement’s vision of a Resources Based Economy (RBE) operates on – The Scientific Method. The Zeitgeist Movement is a sustainability and environmental grassroots global activist movement emerging out of the awareness that there is a necessary to restructure human civilisation’s values with respect to social, cultural, political and economic institutions.

Future Thinkers is a monthly event where discourses can take place on a given topic. This month we will examine the Scientific Method and Cognitive Bias.


Zeitgeist Social Night

• What we’ll do
Address – Unit 5/ 27 Maryvale Street
Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, future thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. 😉

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Coordinator of The Zeitgeist Movement

• What to bring

• Important to know