

Zeitgeist Social Night

β€’ What we’ll do
Address -Unit 5/ 27 Maryvale Street
Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, future thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun.

It has been a while the last Zeitgeist Social Night. Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. πŸ˜‰

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Coordinator of The Zeitgeist Movement

β€’ What to bring
You don’t need to bring anything other than a kind spirit and an open mind but if you want to bring a plate of vegan food or a vegan snack that would be greatly appreciated. BYO drinks

β€’ Important to know


FUTURE THINKERS SESSIONS – From here to where?

Casey is back to host Future Thinkers Sessions at a brand new time on Sunday afternoon, with a new and exciting format sure to get all participants engaged, inspired and excited! What kind of world are we working towards? What do we like about the current system? How can we tackle some of the most challenging global issues we face today? How do we remain resilient? These are just a few of the questions we will be exploring.

With a dynamic and educated team of co-hosts, and an abundance of knowledge from radical thinkers throughout history and now, start your journey into the future you want to see. You’ll have the opportunity to share your thoughts in small groups, as well as with the whole audience. You’ll be exposed to fascinating ideas about the future as well as difficult barriers that keep us from getting there. We’ll talk about all of the forbidden conversation topics – religion, politics, sex, drugs and whatever else. No topic need be too sacred, but all opinions are welcome and all participants are respected.

This Future Thinkers is also bound to spark off a range of events around the city at several places, depending on what you’d like to be involved in. We hope you can be a part of this exciting new project!

β€’ What to bring
A notebook and pen (or a phone if you are happy to write in it!)
A friend if you like
An attitude of tolerance and kindness
A critical mind

β€’ Important to know
It’s free and we’re not selling anything! We’re dedicated to creating a better future for all.


Zeitgeist Social Night

β€’ What we’ll do
ADDRESS – UNIT 5 / 27 Maryvale Street Toowong

Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, future thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun. Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. πŸ˜‰

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Coordinator of The Zeitgeist Movement

β€’ What to bring
No need to bring anything except an open mind and an enthusiasm for learning πŸ˜‰

β€’ Important to know


Zeitgeist Social Night

β€’ What we’ll do
Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, future thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun. It has been a couple of months since the last Zeitgeist Social Night. In that time we have had great success with the Future Thinkers and Monthly Movies that Matter events.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Coordinator of The Zeitgeist Movement

β€’ What to bring

β€’ Important to know


Monthly Movies that Matter

Come together on the 3rd Saturday of every month with Zeitgeist Movement supporters to watch an interesting and insightful movie/documentary for discussion.

Each month represents an important theme, such as education, war, politics, money, communication, technology or science.

Before the movie, we will give an update on what’s happening with the Zeitgeist Movement, some short clips leading up to the feature film, followed by a discussion and dinner at a nearby restaurant afterwards.

A great way to meet like-minded people, enjoy a movie and talk about some of the most important issues and discoveries of our time. We look forward to meeting you.