


Future Thinkers Sessions for the Zeitgeist Movement Australia


An open platform to meet and chat with other ‘self-proclaimed’ controversial deep thinkers, scientists and philosophers… basically anyone who likes to think about anything. 

This month, we’re fortunate enough to have Dr Richard Mochelle presenting PRIOCRACY, a future cosmopolitan political economy. Richard is an expert in architecture, environmental design education, futures education, studies in environmental, economic ethics and political ethics. Priocracy has many similarities to the concept of an NLRBE (Natural-Law Resource Based Economy, as promoted by TZM) and delves into some really important questions, and areas that need addressing to advance humanity forward.

Can family values extend to embrace, civilise and integrate the entire global family? Could this high-minded idea be activated one day to produce an economic revolution? What is the rationale for trade free and tax free economic ethic? What if those extolling this ethic committed in all integrity to enact it? What would be its operating principles and its attractions? What role might the internet play? Would a Priocracy prove more economic in the face of scarcity than the competitive market?

Future Thinkers is a realistic, fun and empowering meet-up about applying science to social concern. Don’t worry, we don’t put you on the spot… there’s no expectation to explain your position, and no expectation of any qualification. It’s not in our ‘cynical yet idealistic, atheist, technocratic anarchistic activist’ nature. 😉 😛

We provide…

• Short presentations on human behaviour, society, new crazy technologies  and cool ideas for hacking life!!

• Study groups and panel discussions on philosophical questions like “How do we engage people resistant to logic and reason?” or “Does wealth provide happiness?”

• Awesome socially-aware music, podcasts and radio shows

• Insightful and hilarious pointed videos for social concern

Please feel free to sit at the back and hide in the corner, or announce your opinion of some particular policy, or share your understanding of a scientific discovery or discuss your general thoughts on a particular topic. 😀 😉 We’d love that. We look forward to meeting you!


TZM Social night! (Theatre night postponed)

Hey ya’ll!

Unfortunately the lovely Lafe can’t make it for the theatre workshop this week, so we’re just having a social night. Feel free to bring along vegan food for sharing if you like. 

Those who are involved in the fortnightly workshops can bring along your monologues to practice and share.

Hang out, chat, plan projects or events, meet interesting people, brainstorm together and empower each other. 

Caution – very casual setting 🙂 

See you there!!


Doco and discourse meetup

Melbourne Zeitgeisters!

This is the next instalment in our monthly documentary series. Even if you’ve seen the doco being screened, the doco night is a great chance to see how the issues and material presented relates to the movement, have a general chat and get involved. 

Our last one created some wonderful and spirited discussion, lets see if we can create some more 🙂


This documentary explores the fall of the Enron Corporation, arguably the most shocking example of modern corporate corruption. The company is linked with several illegal schemes, including instigating the California energy crisis as a way to drive up utility prices at the expense of the average American. In a hyper-competitive environment, Enron traders resort to all kinds of underhanded dealings in order to make money at any cost and keep their high-paying jobs.


The Conscious Collective Informal Meetup

The Zeitgeist Movement and our friends from a range of other sustainability activist groups come together every Saturday to… Chat – Hang out – Work on a creative project – Plan events – Eat wicked pizzas and bagels – Drink crafty beer – Connect with like-minded people – Collaborate on projects – Get inspired – Share ideas – Jam – Brainstorm – Learn something new – Empower each other!!!

We look forward to meeting you.



An exciting collaborative THINKTANK for talking about the future… brought to you by the Brisbane chapter of the Zeitgeist Movement.

• PRESENTING this month… Rion Hunter Brodie – An energetic and charismatic future thinker, a pioneer in revolutionary ideas for shifting perceptions with a passion for moving humanity forward. Themes for discussion may include future city design, Atlas Unite – a platform designed to empower skills and interests as a way of improving the world and other ways to engage people in the most important topics of our time.

• ALSO PRESENTING… Pavel Kalinov – A very knowledgeable, enthusiastic expert in artificial intelligence, who may discuss his potential projects such as Capitalism 2.0, the Census Camp and his plan for a Sustainable Community using historical political systems.

• Future Thinkers is The Zeitgeist Movement’s townhall meeting for Brisbane, where our main goal is to work towards the ultimate vision of a Natural-Law Resource Based Economy.
• Study groups and panel discussions on philosophical questions like “How do we engage people resistant to logic and reason?” or “What role do politics play in creating a better future?”
• Awesome socially-aware music, podcasts and radio shows
• Insightful and hilarious pointed videos for social concern

An open platform to meet and chat with other ‘self-proclaimed’ controversial deep thinkers, scientists and philosophers… basically anyone who likes to think about anything. This is a realistic, fun and empowering meet-up about applying science to social concern. Don’t worry, we don’t put you on the spot… there’s no expectation to explain your position, and no expectation of any qualification. It’s not in our ‘cynical yet idealistic, atheist, technocratic anarchistic activist’ nature. 😉 😛

Please feel free to sit at the back and hide in the corner, or announce your opinion of some particular policy, or share your understanding of a scientific discovery or discuss your general thoughts on a particular topic. 😀 😉 We’d love that.

We look forward to meeting you!