Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 6:00 PM
State Library of Queensland
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Technology is evolving at an exponential rate, and is beginning to enable us to facilitate transactions in new ways that challenge the status quo. We presently live in a world where we are still using outdated economic models that haven’t been able to keep up with the changes in technology we see today.
Until recently, to be able to do any form of transaction with another party we typically always rely on a third party we can place our trust in to make such transfers possible. This usually requires paying some kind of fee to that central counterparty and as a result, centralisation extracts a lot of resouces out of the entire ecosystem.
Etheruem is a solution that can potentially solve this problem, and change the way we transact with each other forever. Through the use of Smart Contracts, this can allow for us to solve all problems of trust, and as a result remove the need for a central counterparty.
Smart contracts are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract, or that make a contractual clause unnecessary. Smart contracts usually also have a user interface and often emulate the logic of contractual clauses.
We recommend checking out the below video for more details about this:
By instead being able to use a Smart Contract that is agreed upon between X and Y, this can solve the issue of trust without the use of a third party, and therefore can allow for us to conduct transactions directly with each other, without fear of loss, and without any inefficiencies.
After the presentation we will be having an open discussion forum looking more in depth at covering topics introducing how such advancements in this technology can be applied to improve a lot of different areas with examples.
We are looking forward to seeing as many futurists as possible like you coming along to find out more!
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