Welcome to Monthly Movies that Matter for March 2016 with The Zeitgeist Movement Australia! This month our topic will be pornography a week before our main annual event of Z-Day. Find us in the Theatrette at the Brisbane Square Library.
We will watch some interesting clips about the effect of pornography on sexuality.
There will be opportunity for discussion in between, followed by Gail Dines 30 minutes documentary, Pornland.
Each month we also vote on next month’s movie or theme. Everyone in attendance is welcome to make a suggestion and vote using minimum-opposition.
The event is free of charge.
It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time.
After the film at around 6:15 we will mingle at Govinda’s in the city. Please feel free to join us for this too if you can’t make it to the movie. Feel free to bring books to trade… and to bring your flash drive to share resources.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Doco and wine night!!
Melbourne Zeitgeisters!
This is the next instalment in our monthly documentary series. Even if you’ve seen the doco being screened, the doco night is a great chance to see how the issues and material presented relates to the movement, have a general chat and get involved. DOCO – MISS REPRESENTATION
From the website:
The media is selling the idea that girls’ and women’s value lies in their youth, beauty, and sexuality and not in their capacity as leaders. Boys learn that their success is tied to dominance, power, and aggression. We must value people as whole human beings, not gendered stereotypes.
Going away party for Adri C. Falla
Hey Everyone,
Our friend Adri C. Falla is leaving soon, going back to south america. So I though we would say our fairwells and have a party.
Zeitgeist Social Night
Hey everyone,
Yes it’s time for another Zeitgeist Social Night. This time we’re not going to watch a movie or anything, just hang out. I’ll be making a bunch of vegan food as always but I would appreciate if anyone brought a plate of food. We’ll be debriefing after the Adelaide trip and our excursion to Cristy Walk. Feel free to bring a friend. Hope to see everyone there.
Monthly Movies that Matter – February – Overpopulation
Welcome to the second Monthly Movies that Matter for 2016 with The Zeitgeist Movement Australia! This month our topic will be population growth. Find us in the Theatrette at the Brisbane Square Library.
We will watch some interesting, provocative and inspiring clips about the effect on the current overpopulation crisis, as well as exploring how we got here, why population continues to grow, and how too many people effects the planet. We will also discuss possible solutions and the outcome of other strategies that have been implemented in other countries.
There will be opportunity for discussion in between, followed by BBC’s “How many people can live on planet earth?” with David Attenborough.
Here is the segment of the documentary:
Each month we also vote on next month’s movie or theme. Everyone in attendance is welcome to make a suggestion and vote using minimum-opposition.
The event is free of charge.
It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time.
After the film at around 6:15 we will mingle at Govinda’s in the city. Please feel free to join us for this too if you can’t make it to the movie. Feel free to bring books to trade… and to bring your flash drive to share resources.
We look forward to seeing you there!