

Zeitgeist Social Night

Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, future thinkers and like-minded people.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun. It has been a couple of months since the last Zeitgeist Social Night. In that time we have had great success with the Future Thinkers and Monthly Movies that Matter events.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

All the food will be vegan as the topic of our next Future Thinkers event will be ‘Veganism’ with special guest speaker Scott Wallace (Vegan Activist) from the Gold Coast.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. 😉

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Coordinator of The Zeitgeist Movement


Monthly Movies that Matter

Come together on the 3rd Saturday of every month with Zeitgeist Movement supporters to watch an interesting and insightful movie/documentary for discussion.

Each month represents an important theme, such as education, war, politics, money, communication, technology or science.

Before the movie, we will give an update on what’s happening with the Zeitgeist Movement, some short clips leading up to the feature film, followed by a discussion and dinner at a nearby restaurant afterwards.

A great way to meet like-minded people, enjoy a movie and talk about some of the most important issues and discoveries of our time. We look forward to meeting you.



Hey Everyone!
Unfortunately our booking for the threatrette in the Brisbane Square Library wasn’t renewed so we have to re-apply for that booking. Hopefully by next month everything will be back to normal 🙂
So… we decided to have a Future Thinkers picnic on Saturday afternoon instead. Future Thinkers in a monthly event where we discuss topics related to: Science, Technology, Nature and Sustainability. As you can imagine this is quite open-ended. A wide variety of topics end up being discussed. Topics we have covered in the past include: technology, environmental sustainability, internet freedom, economic inequality, universal basic income & technological unemployment, direct democracy, evolution, artificial intelligence and more!

No topic need be too sacred. No idea above questioning. The point of this meetup is not only to hang out with like minded people and have fun on a Saturday night 😉 but also to learn something new and to genuinely intellectually explore ideas. This means taking offense isn’t adequate grounds for objecting to an idea. Your ideas and worldview will be challenged. But it is all in the spirit of fun and getting closer to the truth not about being right or wrong.

The point of the event is to have a real discourse on the chosen topic through open discussion.

If you’re getting a bit squeamish thinking this event is going to be super serious then relax it’s fun and all people and ideas are welcome. 🙂

If you want to hang out this Saturday afternoon and chat, this will be a particularly casual Future Thinkers Sessions. Back to normal next month 😉

See you there! 🙂

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Monthly Movies that Matter

Come together on the 3rd Saturday of every month with Zeitgeist Movement supporters to watch an interesting and insightful movie/documentary for discussion.

Each month represents an important theme, such as education, war, politics, money, communication, technology or science.

Before the movie, we will give an update on what’s happening with the Zeitgeist Movement, some short clips leading up to the feature film, followed by a discussion and dinner at a nearby restaurant afterwards.

A great way to meet like-minded people, enjoy a movie and talk about some of the most important issues and discoveries of our time. We look forward to meeting you.


Drinks & Activism Discussion

This will be a relaxed, general discussion over drinks about the current state of the movement in Sydney. Topics to be covered will be about the Zeitgeist movement in general, the proposed direction for the Sydney chapter moving forward from a meet up and activism perspective and ways to implement some of the goals of the movement.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!