

Visiting Communities Tour: Christie Walk in Adelaide

As part of our Community Tours Project, the Brisbane Geisters are organising a two hour tour of Christie Walk, an ecocity in Adelaide, guided by a resident and tailored to our interests.

Frequent participants of Monthly Movies that Matter are welcome to join us. This is an opportunity to share information about the Zeitgeist Movement, as well as learn about ways we can best implement social design in an RBE.

Cost = $40 per person (if less than 6 people, the cost will rise per person). A maximum of 17 people can be accommodated on the tour. Participants must book and pay for the tour by May 9th (Saturday, Monthly Movies that Matter meeting). Flights and accommodation will be left to you to arrange, however a nearby hotel will be nominated to gather at. Please indicate your preference for departure and return; if enough people want to go together on this long weekend, i.e. depart Saturday midday, return Sunday evening, we can look into a package deal with possible discounts. We are also hoping to put on a presentation about TZM to the residents of Christie Walk.

Please join us for Monthly Movies that Matter, get involved in our Projects Meetings or get in touch with the coordinators to join us for this exciting adventure.


Zeitgeist Movie Night

Hey everyone,
This will be a Zeitgeist Social Event to follow up on Zeitgeist Day 2015 on Saturday. Casey Davidson (our national coordinator) did an excellent job organising the event and speakers. This event is intended so people can reconnect with those they meet on Zday, to network for projects, share ideas etc.

We will be showing the film Interstellar (2014). The Zeitgeist Movement’s interest in this film is to do with it theme of exploring the universe and humans surviving outside of earth. This is of particular relevance and interest as our final speaker of Zday 2015 was Natalie Lawler, a MarsOne candidate. She is one of the final 100 candidates to be considered to go on a manned mission to Mars in 2024.

The film Interstellar is 2hr 49min long so please be on time so we can start the movie early enough to have a discussion afterwards.

There will be food provided for the event.

Feel free to bring and friend.

See everyone Thursday 🙂

If you have any trouble finding the place my mobile number is: 0430 216 150 (Zac)


Monthly Movies that Matter – June

The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland brings you Monthly Movies that Matter, a free event headlining with the documentary, ‘Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret’.

This month’s event will focus on food production and ethical eating. Please note, although many TZM members are vegans/vegetarians, there is no expectation or pressure to identify as one of them. We understand that factory farming is one symptom of our flawed and outdated system. Check out the trailer for Cowspiracy here:

We’d like to take the time on the day to talk about how we’re going to shift towards more ethical food production. As far as the TZM train of thought goes, this topic is only as important as any other unethical practice… we all know the problem is the monetary/market system. We will show a few interesting short clips leading up to the film, aiming to inspire NOT traumatise!

Each month we also vote on next month’s movie or theme. Everyone in attendance is welcome to make a suggestion and vote using minimum-opposition.

The event will be held in the Brisbane Square Library in the Theatrette free of charge. It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time.

After the film we mingle at the cafe next door, please feel free to join us for this too if you can’t make it to the movie. Feel free to bring books to trade… and to bring your flash drive to share resources.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Zeitgeist Doco Night

Hey Melbourne Zeitgeisters!

We kicked off the reboot with a big night and the 1st philosophy group was great!

This is the 2nd instalment in the regular monthly documentary event. Even if you’ve seen the doco being screened, the doco night is a great chance to see how the issues and material presented relates to the movement. We’ll be watching “INSIDE JOB”. Blurb below..

“The global financial meltdown that took place in Fall 2008 caused millions of job and home losses and plunged the United States into a deep economic recession. Matt Damon narrates a documentary that provides a detailed examination of the elements that led to the collapse and identifies keys financial and political players. Director Charles Ferguson conducts a wide range of interviews and traces the story from the United States to China to Iceland to several other global financial hot spots”

There’s some drink specials, great food, some comfy chairs and some friendly faces to look forward to and some interesting discussions to be had and new ideas flowing!


Zeitgeist Social Night

Hey everyone,
It’s time for another Zeitgeist catch up.

You are invited to an exciting evening of fascinating discussion, food and drink.
There will be some free food provided for the evening. We will be casually chatting about interesting and important topics relating to the Zeitgeist movements principals and ideas.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of your believes. People with different points of view a make a conversation more interesting. This is a safe and respectful environment where ideas can be exchanged.
Don’t be shy.
See you then 🙂

Feel free to bring a friend.

If you have any trouble finding the place here is my contact number – 0430 216 150 (Zac)