Hey everyone, I though it was time to have another zeitgeist social get together.
The movie being showed will be the first matrix film (1999)
Movie will start at 7:30pm, it is 2hr 10min long
See everyone there!
Hey everyone, I though it was time to have another zeitgeist social get together.
The movie being showed will be the first matrix film (1999)
Movie will start at 7:30pm, it is 2hr 10min long
See everyone there!
Any Geisters out there keen to catch up and enjoy a day of stimulating conversation and some snorkelling then book a ticket on the ferry and meet us at the terminal at 9 am on Friday. Email me for ferry details if you want to come 11lara11@gmail.com
How better to bring in the new year than to enjoy what nature has to offer right on our doorstep. It would be great to hear feedback from anyone who has read “The Future and Beyond” by Jacque Fresco published on the Venus Project website.
Lets get together for a social meetup before Christmas. Saturday at 3pm at Wynnum Wading Pool / Picnic Site. It’s a beautiful place with shaded picnic facilities and has the pool or the bay to cool off in. Bring along something to chuck on the BBQ, some drinks and a costume. Let’s relax and enjoy some good conversation while floating in the pool or chilling under the trees. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the holidays.
“Zeitgeist Day” or Z-DAY for short, is the annual, global event of the year for the Zeitgeist Movement. The goal is to increase public awareness of our potential for a better future. Find out more at What is the Zeitgeist Movement?
Z-Day started in 2009, with over 400 events in over 70 countries. We average about 300+ events globally each year.
The Australia Chapter Z-Day will be hosted by the National Coordinators in Brisbane this year. This is a FREE EVENT with a broad range of inspiring and enlightening speakers who will make you question the way things are… and give you the tools – to make a difference.
Presentations (in no particular order)
Building a Resource-Based Economy… on MARS
Natalie Lawler – Mars One Candidate
Intelligent Systemsfor new governance
Michael Wiedermann, Aaron Hilton and Andreas Huemer – Sustainability Entrepreneurs and Scientists
Sustainable Living in a Rental Property
Roman Spur – Spurtopia
The Worlds First Profit Sharing Open Source Community
Tom Miller – Unlimited You Education (UYE)
Zeitgeist Visiting Communities Project
Simon Cole – TZM Australia
Redifining Growth
John Roles – Former SPP candidate for the seat of Brisbane
An open sourced technocratic governance model
James Hill – National Coordinator of TZM Australia
Beyond Zero Emissions and RBE novel
Caroline Rentel – Novel writer and BZE advocate
Organised and Hosted by:
Casey Davidson – National Coordinator of TZM Australia
More information about the presentations and speakers can be found at http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/z-day-2015/
Drinks and discussions will be at a nearby location after our last speaker. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hey Everyone!
The Zeitgeist Movement puts on great monthly movies that matter but we also put on Social events. Social events are a excellent opportunity to network and get to know other sustainablity minded people in the community.
Make friends and chat with people who value the same things you do.
There will be PIZZA but you can also bring a plate of food if you want to.
If you are drinking BYO
If you have any trouble finding the place call/text me (Zac) on 0430 216 150
Hope to see everyone there and soory for the late notice