

Monthly Movies that Matter – February

The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland brings you Monthly Movies that Matter, headlining with the documentary, ‘Paradise or Oblivion’.

This film details the root causes of poverty, corruption, war, environmental degradation and other detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. It advocates a new socio-economic system – a Resource-Based Economy (RBE). The film details the need to outgrow the inefficient methods of politics, law and business, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world’s people. The concept of an RBE is updated to present-day knowledge and was first coined by Jacque Fresco, a Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer who has developed the concept for over 70 years. . Here is an RT interview with him.

As this month’s Monthly Movies is on Valentine’s Day, we will also watch a few clips leading up to the film about love, relationships and sexuality. Here is a sneak peak of one of the short clips we will show.

Each month we also vote on next month’s movie or theme. Everyone in attendance is welcome to make a suggestion and vote using minimum-opposition.

The event will be held in the Brisbane Square Library in the Theatrette FREE OF CHARGE.

This event is much more than just watching a movie. It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time.

After the film we mingle at the cafe next door, please feel free to join us for this too if you can’t make it to the movie. Bring your flash drive

We look forward to seeing you there!


Zeitgeist Social Event

Hey Everyone!
The Zeitgeist Movement puts on great monthly movies that matter but we also put on Social events. Social events are a excellent opportunity to network and get to know other sustainablity minded people in the community.
Make friends and chat with people who value the same things you do.
There will be food but you can also bring a plate of food if you want to.
If you are drinking BYO

If you have any trouble finding the place call/text me (Zac) on 0430 216 150

Hope to see everyone there


Monthly Movies that Matter

At our Monthly Movies that Matter we show movies that are interesting for critical thinkers and relevant for creating a better world. They are mostly documentaries, but we also show other movies, recordings of interesting talks, etc.
After the movie(s) we discuss what we have watched and talk about other interesting topics. Sometimes we also have guest speakers.


Monthly Movies that Matter – December

The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland brings you Monthly Movies that Matter, headlining with BBC Three’s Secrets of the Superbrands – Technology. We will also be watching a range of short thought-provoking clips leading up to the film and following up with a discussion about our current system for voting – minimum-opposition. After the event, we meet to discuss new ideas and organise projects to promote global sustainability.

In the 53 minute film, Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands – how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out how some of the most powerful companies in the world really make their billions.

The event will be held in the Brisbane Square Library in the Theatrette free of charge.

This event is much more than just watching a movie. It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time. At the moment we are meeting at the Coffee Club near the library, however we are open to suggestions for venues that can accommodate over 20 people and allow us to mingle freely in a peaceful environment.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Monthly Movies that Matter – November

The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland brings you Monthly Movies that Matter, headlining with the documentary, ‘HOME’.

The film HOME by Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a beautifully shot panorama of the Earth and the damage done to it by modern humanity. It includes a moving narration about the evolution of the Earth, nature, agriculture, humans, and the crises of habitat destruction, energy depletion, climate disruption, degradation… of the environment, health, economic disparity and more.

We will also show a range of short film clips leading up to the feature film. If you have any suggestions for interesting and appropriate clips under 10 minutes, please message Casey directly. Here are some examples from last month.

Each month we also vote on next month’s movie or theme. Everyone in attendance is welcome to make a suggestion and vote using minimum-opposition.

This event is much more than just watching a movie. It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about a more positive future, find out more about what’s happening in the Zeitgeist Movement locally, nationally and globally… and if you’d like to be more involved. Most importantly, it’s a great way to make friends, connect with like-minded people and have a great time. At the moment we are meeting at the Coffee Club near the library, however we are open to suggestions for venues that can accommodate over 20 people and allow us to mingle freely in a peaceful environment.

The event will be held in the Brisbane Square Library in the Theatrette free of charge. We look forward to seeing you there!