A New Story For Humanity – Camping Trip

2016 brought many long-standing issues more out into the open, for example social inequality where the top 8 billionaires are as wealthy as the poorest half of humanity, education issues, job insecurity into the future, unsustainable food production and security, ever increasing data on climate changes that demand attention and the necessity to act , self-centred politics that serves the few and not the many, and untold other issues.

So it is becoming apparent to more and more people that as we face the future, Capitalism as we know it isn’t working and the stories on which we have built our lives aren’t working now, and certainly won’t work into the future. For example, higher education and lifelong career are no longer a given, in fact the ‘ism’s’, Capitalism, Communism, Consumerism aren’t working so many who have studied the rise and fall of civilisations are calling for a’New Story’ by which we can live, not only in a socially equitable way with each other, but with the Earth itself.

That story isn’t written yet, so now is the time to come together to add our thoughts, feelings, values and actions to that Story.

Bindarrabi are holding the space for a ‘New Story’, we feel this is an appropriate event to start our year. Findhorn Community hosted a conference in 2015 on the “New Story” which attracted delegates from over 40 countries, and has produced a film based on that conference. We invite you to Bindarrabi to view the film and we will use the different segments as discussion topics.


Come and join us on Feb 11th and 12th

to add your hopes and aspirations, and deepen your commitment to action for a ‘New Story’ to live by for you, your community and all of humanity.

This event is open to anyone, not just those interested in intentional communities, so please invite your friends and neighbours.

We would also like to experiment with the Gift Economy of which some of you will have heard. Charles Eisenstein returned this concept to wider awareness with his book Sacred Economics.

Hence we won’t request our normal camping fees but are open to whatever you might like to Gift for the weekend.

The evening meal on Saturday will be a shared meal so bring something simple and yummy. There will be shared preparation time earlier on Saturday so we can have a relaxed but timely dinner.

Lets share our Creativity: There will be a table/s where you can bring things to Gift, exchange or sell e.g. seeds, plants, things you have made, crafted.

A proposed but flexible schedule is:


9-11.30 Meet and Mingle, have a cuppa, go for a walk or help with any dinner prep required.

2-4:30 Gather in Circle for welcome and intro.

Discussions on what needs to change externally and what you might want to change personally.

Ceremony to release ‘The Old’

6pm-7pm : Dinner

7:15 Movie & Discussion

9:15 Close


9-11am Adding clarity and resolve to our New Story and closing ceremony.

We look forward to sharing this exciting time with you !