Get together and get started

We’re rebooting the Sydney Chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement! It’s been a while, and we’re now in a process of re-engaging with the old community of Geisters, and looking forward to having it grow, and create events and projects together.

This meetup will focus on discussing what’s next for the chapter, and get a sense of where we’re at, what has been happening recently in the Zeitgeist Movement and Resource-Based Economy/Natural Law arenas, and begin planning what’s next for us as a chapter.

We count with the support of the rest of the Australian TZM chapters, and they’re excited about our comeback. Looking forward to seeing you all!

About Casey

Casey is the national coordinator for TZM Australia and has a passion for educating on a variety of topics, organising and participating in a range of TZM projects and events and connecting with other like-minded individuals.