Monthly Movies that Matter – December

At our Monthly Movies that Matter we show movies that are interesting for critical thinkers and relevant for creating a better world. They are mostly documentaries, but we also show other movies, recordings of interesting talks, etc.
After the movie(s) we discuss what we have watched and talk about other interesting topics. Sometimes we also have guest speakers.

This month the movie voted on in the previous monthly movies that matter was a speak by Robert Sapolsky who is an American neuroendocrinologist, professor of biology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Stanford University, researcher and author. The name of the lecture is ‘Biological Underpinnings of Religiosity’ (1hr 20min)

Therefore this month we will focus discussion on the effect of religion in society.

See everyone Saturday!

About Casey

Casey is the national coordinator for TZM Australia and has a passion for educating on a variety of topics, organising and participating in a range of TZM projects and events and connecting with other like-minded individuals.