MMTM June 2017 – The Stories we tell about Money

Money is a figment of our collective imagination we all agree on. But how will the digital information age change money in the future?

This month we’re discussing modern innovations in the field of finance. The rise of cryptocurrencies is a sign the long standing central bank controlled fiat currencies are failing. With gross wealth inequality, collapsing economies and widespread environmental damage, What happens next for money? Is it even necessary?

What we will be doing:

I (Zac) with be giving a short presentation about cryptocurrencies.

Open discussion and Q&A

Watching a short clip of Vitalik Buterin inventor of Ethereum.

A short lesson in cryptography by Khan Academy

Finally we will be watching an Andreas Antonopoulos feature length presentation about Blockchain.

If you are curious about one of human societies oldest technologies – money, feel free to come along to learn more and join in the discussion.

All welcome – bring friends 🙂

P.S Bring your laptop so I can give everyone in the audience some cryptocurrency 🙂

Zachary Alexander – Queensland Zeitgeist Movement Coordinator